PHOXIE 2nd Year Rep Elections and Mentorship Introduction
Date: Thursday, September 26th, 2019 5-7pm
Location: DTL Lounge – Medical Sciences (MSB 3378)
Phoxie is the orientation and introduction event for incoming students of the department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. The purpose of the event is twofold: to conduct the 2nd year representative elections as well as an icebreaker for the pharmacology and toxicology mentorship program.
During Phoxie, we will conduct the elections for our two 2nd Year Representatives:
Position Description and Criteria- Candidates will be running for the 2nd Year Representative position. The 2nd year Representatives act as the liaison between students, PTSA as well as the administration. They are responsible for inventory, announcements in the 2nd year classes, as well as general 2nd year related tasks. It is also expected of them to conduct themselves to the expectations of any PTSA member. Candidates must be a 2nd year and a constituent of the PTSA as defined by their constitution (taking or will be taking at least one half credit course with the PCL designation for the school year 2019-2020).
We will be pairing mentors and mentees for our mentorship program this year. Whether you are an incoming second year student and would like to be put in touch with a third or fourth year PharmTox student, or a third/fourth year open to mentoring and connecting with a second year, its not too late to sign up via this link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScqMKiC_2RmYjyeGRhRs_7_KqdOwxb-Ru4YLRThHgz5JaKnVA/viewform?usp=sf_link
Calling all second year Pharmacology & Toxicology students!
Come out and partake in food and support your fellow candidates running for second year rep! Click here to see the event page on facebook!