PHOXIE Updates & Pizza Lunch

Hey everyone,

Details about PHOXIE, the PTSA second-year orientation, have been put up on the site. Details concerning the schedule and the 2nd year rep election can be found under the September section of the Events page. Drop by to meet your fellow second years and get some free food!

[important title=”PHOXIE Info”]
DATE AND TIME: September 25, Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM
LOCATION: MSB4227[/important]

We also have our Welcome Back Pizza Lunch next Wednesday! Don’t forget to come by!

[important title=”Pizza Lunch Info”]
DATE AND TIME: September 18, Wednesday, 11:45-1:15 pm
LOCATION: MS4227[/important]

Welcome back!

Hey guys!

The Pharmacology & Toxicology Students’ Association (PTSA) is excited to welcome you back to another great year! We’ve been hard at work organizing events for your enjoyment and we’re all very excited to see you again this fall.

Phoxie, our second year orientation designed to welcome new students into the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology, will be held on September 25, 11-1 PM. It’s a great opportunity for new students to meet fellow Pharmacology & Toxicology students, as well as members of our esteemed faculty. Two (2) second-year representatives will be elected to join the PTSA at the end of Phoxie. Details of the election will be announced at a later date.

[important title=”PHOXIE Info”]
DATE AND TIME: September 25, Wednesday, 11:00 AM – 1: 00 PM
LOCATION: MSB4227[/important]

Looking forward to another great semester with you all!

Your PTSA Executive Team

UTSU Clubs Day

Hey ya’ll!

Clubs day is tomorrow from 10 am- 2 pm! Come check out the PTSA table for free food and PTSA bookmarks! We’re at table #41 under the orange/ASSU section (area beside UC). Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow and hope you’re all enjoying the remaining summer days!

Course Commentary, Now Available

We would like to inform you that the Course Commentary is now available. The Course Commentary is a compilation of comments from the 2012-2013 course evaluations, as well as a compilation of very helpful course-specific tips from previous students. You can access the document via the link below or through the resources page:

2013 PTSA Course Commentary(Official)

We apologize for not getting the Commentary out sooner and we would like to thank all the students that made contributions to it.

Important Notice Regarding the Course Commentary

Due to delays in the approval process we are unable to release the Course Commentary as scheduled.We will try our best to release the Commentary before all course enrollment dates pass. Before then if you have any questions about PharmTox courses feel free to reach out to us through our facebook page and we will do our best to answer your questions.

General Meeting and Pub Night 2012

The Pharmacology & Toxicology Students’ Association would like to invite you to our General Meeting and Pub Night. Please join us for an opportunity to voice your opinions about the PTSA and to celebrate the end of the school year. Students from all years of study are welcome to attend.

General Elections

At the end of the General Meeting, your new PTSA executive team will be elected. If you are a student taking a course with a PCL designator and are interested in running in any of the positions listed, please prepare a short 1-min statement for the election. Positions available are as follows: Co-President (2), Internal Vice President, External Vice President, Social Director, Treasurer, Secretary, and Communications Director. For more information on each of these positions, please see the PTSA Constitution.

Students interested in the position of “Co-President” will need to submit a completed Co-Presidency Nomination Form to Phyllis Thawe in the Pharmacology and Toxicology Departmental Office (MS4207) by Monday, April 2, 2012 at noon.

General Meeting and Elections

Date: Thursday, April 5

Time: 5:10 PM – 6:00 PM (or to the end of elections)

Location: MS4227

Pub Night

Date: Thursday, April 5

Time: 6:00 PM

Location: O’Grady’s Tap & Grill (171 College St.)


Professor-Student Luncheon 2012

The Pharmacology & Toxicology Students’ Association would like to invite you to our annual Professor-Student Luncheon. Please join us for an opportunity to meet faculty and students in the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology (and to enjoy some pretty delicious sandwiches). Students from all years of study are welcome to attend, so we hope to see you there!

Date: Friday, March 30, 2012

Time: 12:00 PM – 2:00 PM

Location: East Common Room (right of the main entrance to Hart House)

Phoxie 2011

Phoxie is our orientation event for welcoming new students to the Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology. It will be an exciting opportunity for second-year students to meet other students in their classes, as well as upper-year students and faculty in the Department. At the end of Phoxie, two Second-Year Representatives will be elected to the PTSA (if you are a second-year student taking a course with a PCL designator and are interested in running, please prepare a short statement for the election). Light refreshments will be served.

Date: Friday, November 11, 2011
Time: 3:10 PM – 5:00 PM (or to the end of elections)
Location: East Common Room (right of the main entrance to Hart House)


Welcome to our new website! We hope that you’ll find it easier to navigate through our new format.

In the About page, you can find out more about the PTSA and the executive team, how you can keep in touch with us, and why there seems to be a grapefruit in our banner.

The Resources page is where you can find data from our Course and Instructor Evaluations, compiled from annual student surveys. You can also find useful links to the Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology and to our affiliated student unions.

The PTSA is working hard to fill the temporary lull before midterm season (the calm before the storm) with exciting events. For now, make sure to mark the following dates on your calendar:

September 22, 2011
Pharmacology & Toxicology Department Welcome (Back) Pizza Lunch

October 2, 2011
CIBC Run for the Cure
Team: PharmTox UofT
Captain: Dr. Jane Mitchell
University of Toronto, St. George Campus